Healthcare matters recruitment
  • When theories support your practice will enhance safety,
    efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare delivery.
    We train and connect carers, healthcare assistants and support
    workers to healthcare providers in the UK.

    Join the training today.

  • Director


    Thank you for your interest in essential training for carers,
    Do you know that every member of staff in the United Kingdom's health and social care sector must attend training. While some training is essential and mandatory, others are for the continuous, professional, and personal development of practitioners, as mandated by the National Midwifery Council (NMC) in 2015/2018.

    The healthcare matter essential training is meant to help you gain comprehension and be confident in your abilities at work. No corporation will hire an employee who will become a liability for the organisation. Any mistake committed by an employee can cost a company a significant amount of money in claims/legal fees and can be disastrous for the service recipient. This is an anticipated training to prevent such occurrences from happening.

    Health and social care in the United Kingdom are based on individual needs. Failure to, or provide a service, especially when it compromises the safety of the service recipient, can result in a prison sentence for the caregiver. This training is to prevent such occurrences from happening.

    Those who successfully complete this training will be awarded a certificate, but only after meeting the set criteria.

    However, the objective of the training is to equip the participants with the knowledge, skills, and advice derived from evidence-based practise so that they may perform their jobs effectively, efficiently, and with due diligence to the satisfaction of both their internal and external clients.

    This training is created specifically for international students coming to study in the United Kingdom (with Nigerians in mind primarily) who may choose to work as health care assistants, support workers, etc. in order to supplement their living expenses in the United Kingdom.

    This training will also boost your confidence if you're applying for a position as a health care assistant from abroad, enable you to make informed decisions, and may prevent you from going to jail if you land a job in the field.

    Nurses and physicians can also participate in the training for a soft landing in their careers in the United Kingdom.

    Thank you.

    Training Coordinator.

    Course Fees. 160,000